Archive for the ‘recipes’ Category


Who doesn’t love their favorite pastry for breakfast? Having a 3 yr old who is a rather picky eater who loves tut tarts morning noon and night we decided to try and make our own.

This was our first run at it and our ingredients were as follows…

Ready to Bake Pie Crust
Homemade Frosting

Set your oven to 425 now spread your pie crust and start cutting out some fun shapes. Remember to make a top and bottom.

Our next batch we will make our own pie crust. If you buy ready bake pie crust be sure to let your crust become room temp prior to handling.

When your cutting out shapes be sure to have a surface that pie crust doesn’t stick to, wax paper works great.

The fillings are limitless, just look how many actual pop tart flavors are available. We chose nutella for the nutrition and the taste works great alone.

Spread a pretty even later of your favorite topping and stay back off the edges about n 1/8 to 1/4 inch. Once your satisfied with your fill take the top piece of the shape and place on top. If you don’t have a crimper sealer thing a fork will work fine to go around the edges to seal up your tasty “Tut-Tart”.

When properly sealed place your heavily snacks on a NON STICK NON GREASED cook sheet. Do not grease the sheet.

Depending on oven cooking length may vary from 4-8 minutes. Like I said this was our first batch so we haven’t perfected anything just yet. I will say keep an eye watch the crust cook.

I’m looking forward to expanding our pouch ingredients I’d like to try some fruit fillings, which would be similar to a turnover.

The last and final step in making your own “Tut-Tart” is frosting and sprinkling the top outter layer. Mommy made a great frosting out of confectioners’ Sugar and Cream, I’m not sharing this tasty topper because it’s special like “we’d have to kill ya if we told ya” type special.


I’m a stay at home daddy, my son and I are always trying to find ways to cook and play together.

We have come up with maybe the “Worlds Greatest” personal pizza recipe. There’s a couple very important small details that need to be followed for full potential and I’m sure many will put their own twist on this recipe.

1st thing needed is a pack of high quality english muffins

2nd High Quality Sauce I like to use Pastene Chateau Marinara Sauce. You could definitely use a meat sauce instead.

Extra Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Basil Leaves
Parsley Flake
Crushed Red Pepper (dried)
Black Pepper
Ramano Grated Cheese
Shredded Mozzarella
Shredded Cheddar
Minced Garlic (add a lil drizzle of garlic oil also)

I mix a few spoonfuls of oil with above listed ingredients, dont ask measurements I’m Italian we make everything to taste. I do use all dried spices so that I can grind them into fine powder. Mix in a few pinches of the Ramano.

Heat the oven to 500 degrees, while the oven is warmin split each muffin. We usually make 8 personal pizzas (4 muffins split)

Once you’ve got halves start popping them down in the toaster on a light setting, mines set between 3/4, just enough to crisp the edges.

Now take the oil cheese basil parsley red pepper & black pepper mix and spread on lightly toasted muffin.

Next spoon on your choose of sauce, I like to stay back a 1/4 inch or so when doing this, it kind of gives a crust look & feel. Like a real personal pizza. Add sauce to your liking, I usually spread a spoonful to spoon and half.

Now spread your shredded cheese leaving a small border around edge to create the crust, again add cheese to your liking I’m a light cheese type. This is also a good time to add any toppings you like and dont be afraid to add another light layer of cheese over your topping.

Next I usually dip the spoon back into the oil cheese spice mix and let 2/3 drips hit the top of the personal pizza.

Final step of cooking is now placing pizzas directly on the rack inside your oven or for an even crisper crust cook on your BBQ.

I like a crispy crunchy crust some like softer doughy crust so actual oven time is to taste. I leave mine in for 8-10 minutes once I see the edges curling and browning and cheese melting I’m good.

This recipe is a family friendly recipe, my 3 yr old son has already become a master at high quality personal pizza making. I hope a few try this and create the incredible laughs and good times followed by an awesome homemade family dinner.

These also make some great apps during sports games or birthday parties the toppings are endless…. ENJOY!!

Check me out on twitter I’m always talking Boston Sports and good food